Course Catalog
- June 18, 2021
- Posted by: Yunqi Ye
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Course Catalog
From basic courses tailored for Telecommunications and IT professionals and executives to advanced courses that cover cutting-edge technologies, Telefocal has comprehensive coverage of the different learning needs of professionals at different levels of expertise and organisational divisions and provides a wide variety of course selection to satisfy those learning needs.
Basic Training
- ABCs of Telecommunication
- An Overview of 3G, 4G and 5G Mobile Networks
- An Overview of Cyber Security
- An Overview of Satellite Communications
- Basics of Transmission Technologies in Wired/Wireless Networks
- Introduction to 5G Technologies and Applications
- WIFI 6 Workshop
- WIFI and Hotspot Technologies
- Voice over WiFi (VoWiFi)
- Fundamentals of IP and Network Access Technologies
- Understanding TCP/IP and Mastering Wireshark – Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
- IP Network Performance Analysis
- IP Connectivity for Oil and Gas Industry
- TCP/IP Over Satellite
- Advanced IP Networking for Telecom Professionals
Transmission Engineering
- Basics of Transmission Technologies in Wired/Wireless Networks
- 5G Network Transport
- Microwave Transmission Engineering and Link Planning
- Overview of Mobile Network and LTE/Transmission Technologies
- Pathloss 6 Workshop
- Submarine Cable Systems with IPLC and IP Transit Services
Satellite Communications
- An Overview of Satellite Communications
- Satellite Radio Link Planning and Budgeting
- VSAT and Satellite Communications Applications
- Advanced Satellite Communications
- Modern Design for Satellite Communications Applications
- Satellite Ethernet Services for 4G/5G Mobile Networks
- TCP/IP Over Satellite
- Satellite Regulations: Spectrum Management and Frequency Coordination
- Satellite and Terrestrial Monitoring and Measurements
- Cybersecurity in Satellite Communications
- SatMaster Pro Workshop
5G Technologies
- 5G Overview
- Introduction to 5G Technologies and Applications
- 5G Mobile Networks
- 5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design
- 5G Network Architecture with Core Network Planning and Security
- 5G Cloud and Virtualization
- 5G, IoT and Small Cells Design
- 5G Network Transport
- 5G RAN Practitioner Workshop
- 5G Security Overview
- Monetizing 5G – Deploying Edge Computing, IoT and Virtualization
Internet of Things
- Understanding IoT Fundamentals and IoT Applications
- Internet of Things Workshop
- Monetizing IoT Solutions – Masterclass
- Internet of Things Security
LTE / 4G
- LTE 4G and 5G Mobile Networks
- LTE Cell Planning and Dimensioning
- LTE Transmission and Core Network Planning
- LTE Transport Network Design
- Deploying Private LTE Using srsRAN
- srsRAN Advanced Operations
- Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Workshop
- 4G LTE Signaling, Protocols and Procedures
- Network Transformation from 4G to 5G
Capacity Planning and Quality Assurance
Network Cloudification
- Network Automation and Orchestration
- Overview of SDN, Openflow and NFV Workshop
- SDN NFV Masterclass with Hands-On
- Zero-Touch Network Automation
Cyber Security
- An Overview of Cyber Security
- Cyber Fundamentals with Hands-On Lab
- LTE Security
- 5G Security Overview
- Internet of Things Security
- SS7, SigTRAN and SIP Security
- Mobile Network Vulnerabilities and Pentesting (SS7)
Artificial Intelligence
- AI for Business Leaders
- AI Masterclass for Telecom Professionals
- AI-Driven Transmission Networks: Optimization & Automation
Big Data / Data Analytics
- Big Data Analytics for Telecoms Professionals
- Big Data Analytics for Telecoms Regulators
- Big Data Fundamentals
- Customer Experience Management (CEM) and Big Data Analytics
- OSS and BSS with Big Data
Signaling Systems 7 (SS7)
- 4G LTE Signaling, Protocols and Procedures
- LTE International Roaming
- Mobile Network Vulnerabilities and Pentesting (SS7)
- SS7 and SIGTRAN Workshop
- SS7, SIGTRAN and SIP Security
Fiber Optics Communications
- Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Overview
- FTTX and GPON Design Workshop
- FTTX and GPON Technical Workshop
- FTTX Planning, Design and Implementation (ODN)
- GPON Advanced Design, Planning and Dimensioning
- Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) Planning – FTTx/GPON
- DWDM and Optical Networking for Metro and Long Haul
- From SDH to Optical Transport Network (OTN)
- Optical Transmission Planning and Dimensioning
- SDH and DWDM Fundamentals
Certified Technicians
- Certified FTTX Technician – Installation and Testing
- Telefocal Certified Fiber Optics Technician (TC-FOT)
Certification Programs
- Telefocal Certified 5G Professional (TC-5G)
- Telefocal Certified Fiber Optics Technician (TC-FOT)
- Telefocal Certified LTE International Roaming (TC-IRP)
- Telefocal Certified Professional in Managing the Managed Services (TC-MTMS)
- Telefocal Certified SDN NFV Professional (TC-SNP)
- Telefocal Certified Submarine Cable System Expert (TC-SCSE)
- MEF-Carrier Ethernet Certified Professional (MEF-CECP 3.0)
Business, Contract Management and Regulation
- Telecom Contract Management and Business Cases
- Managed the Managed Services and Aligning Network Performance Management
- Advanced Telecom Project Management
- mmWave Training for Telecom Regulators
- Satellite Regulations: Spectrum Management and Frequency Coordination